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Bangladesh Regional Science Association (BRSA)

Bangladesh Regional Science Association (BRSA) is the national association of regional scientists in Bangladesh. The prime objective of establishing Bangladesh Regional Science Association (BRSA) is bringing together and fostering interdisciplinary interaction among regional science scholars in the country. BRSA is an affiliated national chapter of global umbrella institution The Regional Science Association International (RSAI) and regional umbrella institution Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO).

Regional Science is a multidisciplinary field dealing with the regional and spatial impacts of local, national or global processes of economic, environmental and social changes. Topics covered by regional scientists include, but not limited to, behavioural location models, transportation and migration, land use and urban development, spatial agglomeration and segregation, new economic geography, inter-industry analysis and trade, environment and natural resources, climate change and disaster management, urban and regional development, rural and community development, social policy models, policy science, sustainability and resilience, geographical information systems and spatial data analysis. Hence, researchers and practitioners from different academic disciplines in Bangladesh and multiple professional institutions are the members of BRSA. 

Since its formation on 1st October 2006 BRSA has organized two Annual Conferences on Regional Science (ACRS) in 2007 and 2018 and the 10th Summer Institute of Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO) in 2008. BRSA has its own journal namely Journal of Bangladesh Regional Science Association. Members of BRSA can enjoy full membership to RSAI with a nominal fee; thus they can access RSAI publications, participate RSAI events at a discount rate and can get other benefits.